August 4, 2011

How To Deal With Haters!

So as you know I typically do reviews on beauty products on my blog but I've decided I will also be writing motivational blogs on here too! For my first motivational blog I wanted to talk about "Haters". Haters are people who don't like you or what your doing not because it's not right but because there either jealous, insecure, regretful or just plain mad! For example you write an amazing paper for your Literature class and you tell a few people in the class how excited you are about the paper and how you hope to get an "A". Some of those people may be genuinely happy for you but chances are at least one will not be so happy for you. It happens because you are reaching new heights and possibly even becoming more successful. With success in work, school, sports or anything you do there is going to be someone who wants what you have. It's just the way it is. The way you deal with these kind of people says a lot about you as a person. In my opinion if someone hates on you, you should not call them a hater or say anything rude back to them! It just fuels the fire. The best thing to do is ask questions that force them to think about why they are not "On your level" or even helping them will show that your generous and kind. For example if your excited about your paper and someone says, "What's new you always write good papers." Your best response is "Well why don't you come over sometime so I can help you?" or "If you feel like your writing isn't as good as you want why don't you ask for help?" These sort of questions take the focus from your success and cause the person to focus on there own issues. Plus it's a lot harder for someone to hate on you when your being nice to them so.....kill them with kindness!! Half the time people make rude comments just to get a reaction out of you anyways so by ignoring them and not letting them effect you your less appealing to hate on! It's just like when someone teases you the more you hate it the more they want to do it!

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