August 5, 2011

The difference between NEED and WANT!

I really wanted to write about this topic because the other day I had a serious convo with my brother about differentiating need from want! A need is a necessity or something you have to have in order to survive. A want is not a necessity and it wont be the end of the world if you don't get it. Most people have a hard time telling what they want from what they need. I can honestly say that I myself have been threw a time where I was so caught up in what I wanted that I didn't take the time to appreciate that I had what I needed. If you have what you need in your life like shelter, food, water, health and love then really you should be thanking god that you have these things because some people are not lucky enough to have what they need! A lot of people get so caught up in what they want like money or to be successful instead of appreciating the blessing god has given them. People who suffer from cancer or other terminal illnesses go threw so much physical pain and emotional pain and having to deal with insurance must be so hard! If your reading this right now and you do not have a terminal illness I want you to stop what your doing and say a prayer to god. Thank him for giving you what you needed to live life and pray for those who need him most! By realizing that you already have what you need and what you want is not that important it will make you a happier person. I swear it will! I'm not saying to not set goals for yourself. I'm saying to stop stressing about the things you want or things you can't change and start to realize how lucky you are to be alive and well. Think of it like this you've been blessed with a cake now you just want to put frosting on it! Some people are okay with a little frosting and some people like a lot of frosting but you already have the cake and that's what you really needed! I hope after reading this you take a moment to enjoy life and the people you have in it because life changes so fast and how things are today are not how they will be tomorrow. Live, laugh and love those who mean the most to you <3

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