August 11, 2011

Baby your a Firework

I want to start by saying that we are all beautiful and makeup just accentuates that beauty! We all have something amazing inside of us that God believed was worthy of life and living. When I was around 6 my parents divorced and my mom turned to drugs and alcohol. I don't think I really noticed how much the divorce had effected her until the day she forgot to pick me up from school! I was in the 1st grade and school got out around 1pm usually I would wait in the front for her to pick me up but this day was different. I waited and wait until the secretary closing the office came up to me and asked me where my parents were. I told her I didn't know so she took me home and called my dad to come pick me up. My dad was so upset that she would do such a thing and risk someone being able to kidnap me. I understand where he was coming from but what he didn't know was that my mom was not stable enough to raise me and my brother. She had become consumed by alcoholism and drug use that we just weren't important to her anymore! It's sad but now that I am older I can see things for what they really were and I've come to realize it weren't my dad's fault, it wasn't the alcohol's fault not even the was her fault! For not being strong enough for her kids that needed her. She was so consumed in her own self pity that she didn't even realize that he is only a man! Yes he is my father so I think he is an amazing man but no man, woman or anything for that matter should keep you from taking care of your kids. As I got older I always told myself I would never be as weak as she was and that if a man decided to leave me with or without kids I would pick up the pieces and move on with my life. I thank God for showing me that you have to love yourself before anyone will ever really love you and to look inside yourself for strength because it's there...he put it there! We all have something amazing inside us that will guide us threw any darkness...we just need to believe in ourselves!!! So often we forget about that strength and focus on things that don't really matter like money, cars, cloths etc. when really you have everything you need inside yourself. Beauty will only get you so far because let's all face it were all going to be old one day and there's nothing you or anyone can do about that. What you can do is reach out to those who need you most, be there for the one's you love and always believe in yourself and your own abilities. You are a are an amazing person put on this earth for a purpose and while your beauty may go away someday you will always be beautiful inside....and that's what really matter's!

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